
UXO Risk Assessments

Igne's in-house researchers undertake preliminary and detailed UXO risk assessments (in accordance with CIRIA C681) to help you understand your likely risk of encountering ordnance on your project site.

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Igne's UXO risk assessments are bespoke reports, created by dedicated, in-house researchers, that help you understand the likelihood of unexploded ordnance (UXO) being present on your project site - no matter where in the UK, or indeed the world, you are working.

A preliminary risk assessment (PRA) is the first step towards reducing your site's UXO risk to as low as reasonably possible (ALARP).  Where risk potentially remains, a detailed risk assessment can follow.

Stage 1

Preliminary Risk Assessments:

Using data from a unique nationwide geospatial database of unexploded ordnance risk factors, Igne produces the most reliable and trustworthy preliminary risk assessment available in the UK.

Your preliminary risk assessment will enable you to make informed decisions about the potential risk of UXO affecting your land or marine project site.  A preliminary risk assessment reduces your evaluation time, improves project risk management, proposes clear risk mitigation actions and can save you time and money.

Call: 01634 471 340 or email to order your report.

Stage 2:

Detailed Risk Assessments:

A detailed risk assessment provides a bespoke, site-specific and comprehensive report on the potential risk posed by UXO to your proposed works.

All detailed risk assessments are based on a site’s location, the potential extent of contamination plus the source and nature of likely explosive contaminants.  Your report will also detail the likelihood and consequence of encountering UXO related to the proposed use of a site.

Call: 01634 471 340 or email to order your detailed risk assessment.

What is unexploded ordnance (UXO)?

Unexploded ordnance (abbreviated to UXO or sometimes UXB for unexploded bombs) is explosive ordnance, such as grenades, bombs or bullets, that has been prepared for use and should have exploded but failed to do so.

Such ordnance may have been projected, fired, launched, dropped or discarded.  In the United Kingdom, much of the UXO contamination originates from German World War I and II ordnance that failed to explode, or which was abandoned by allied forces.  It is widely accepted that approximately 10% of bombs dropped during World War II failed to detonate correctly. 

Significant contamination also exists from UXO on former military sites (e.g., firing ranges, airfields, barracks, training areas).

How can the risk of UXO be mitigated?

Igne offers an end-to-end range of UXO risk mitigation services - from determining risk to clearance, disposal and even site-specific safety training.

In the United Kingdom, each solution offered caters to a different phase of the Construction Industry Research and Information Association’s Guide to Unexploded Ordnance for the Construction Industry - aka CIRIA C681.  This ensures our clients' meet the exacting safety standards they are held to.

If you're unsure of the specific unexploded ordnance risk mitigation service you may need, please do contact our expert team who will walk you through your options and offer bespoke advice.

For more information regarding any of our unexploded ordnance (UXO) solutions, contact Igne today