
UXO Disposal

Igne has been making the world a safer place since 1989; detecting, clearing, and disposing of unexploded ordnance (UXO) in the United Kingdom and worldwide. It is one of the few UK-based contractors that has a licence to ‘acquire and keep’ ordnance.

Trust us to remove your explosive risk

Igne's licences

Igne holds all necessary licenses, permissions and authority to conduct UXO survey, investigation, storage, collection and disposal by explosive means as required in the UK.

This includes:

  • Acquire & Keep licence, allowing Igne to procure explosives and carry-out controlled demolitions by explosive means on private property.

  • Firearms dealer licence, allowing Igne to hold and store these types of prohibited items, in line with the Manufacturing & Storage Regulations.

  • Home Office Section 5 Authority (Firearms Act 1968), granting Igne permission, under strict conditions, to store and dispose of prohibited items (by explosive means), ensuring accurate record keeping.

Disposal of UXO

Igne Global has the capability and experience to provide explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) of items that have been located and identified on site.

Principal methods of disposal employed will be:

Low order deflagration: utilising a thermic lance specifically designed to destroy ordnance made with thin skinned steel.  It causes the casing of the ordnance to crack open and the explosive contents to ignite and burn away without detonating.

High order detonation: the traditional method for disposing of UXO is to place a plastic explosive counter charge next to the item and detonate it.

Igne will provide an all-in solution including the preparation of safe demolition and storage areas, provision of all licensing, liaison with local authority, procurement of explosives and all paperwork required to ensure that a safe system of works is in place, including the standard operating procedures and demolition plan.

Igne’s UXO services are end-to-end and cover the entire CIRIA C681’s Guide to Unexploded Ordnance.

We take your explosive threat - and remove it safely