Supporting the safe construction of a hybrid solar windfarm
Igne’s unexploded ordnance threat mitigation team has been working to support a valued client as they develop a new hybrid solar windfarm.
Supporting the safe construction of a hybrid solar windfarm
Igne’s UXO team has been working to support a valued client as they develop a new hybrid solar windfarm.
The project is currently under development and a planning application has been submitted. Wisely, our client factored in the risk of encountering unexploded ordnance on this project at an early stage to ultimately ensure the safe, timely delivery of their project outcomes.
The client is regularly liaising with the local community to ensure they are kept informed of project progress. The hybrid solar windfarm will support the UK’s renewable energy targets and help provide jobs for local people.
What was the hybrid solar windfarm site’s history?
Prior to any work commencing on this project, our in-house Research Team created a Threat Assessment (TA). This document provided an in-depth analysis of the site’s history to inform our unexploded ordnance risk mitigation recommendations.
A range of evidence was analysed by our Researchers - from archive data to aerial photography - to determine whether there was evidence of HE bomb strikes. Using this range of data, the team were able to determine how likely a find might be, as well as providing insight into how likely a detonation could be.
This detailed report also looks at how the ground has been used since the war. This particular site had been used for agriculture, meaning the ground was soft. This can impact bomb penetration depths and how easy it could be for unexploded bombs to have been buried unnoticed.
Our threat assessments are a crucial part of providing a full analysis for our clients.
In this instance, the report provided the context that helped inform the client's decisions regarding their explosive risk mitigation strategy.
What UXO risk mitigation services did Igne supply?
The TA concluded that the site was medium risk. It was agreed Igne would supply the following services to mitigate the threat:
- Non-intrusive survey using our towed array system to identify magnetic anomalies,
- Target investigations of any found anomalies,
- A Toolbox Talk to archaeologists who were also working on site to help ensure their safety and awareness of the risk.
This work ensured the ground was safe prior to the commencement of any construction works.
Igne provided a rapid turn-around of its services in just 7 days, promptly providing the needed information.
How did Igne help overcome any challenges?
The client needed a utilities assessment to determine whether there were any potential hazards or ferrous materials in the ground. We are proud that we were able to utilise our skills to support the client by providing the needed services and information.
However you plan to enhance environments, mitigate the UXO risk early on to keep your staff safe and your project on track. Get your threat assessment today.
Contact Igne for an initial consultation into our services.
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